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Match Information

General Information

There are two type of competitive matches utilized in the spring - duals and tournaments.


Tournaments are matches between multiple schools - usually 8 teams or 16 teams. They are all day events, typically running from 8am to 5pm. These are formal matches where scores are kept for seeding purposes in future events. Medals are given to individuals placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in their event and teams are awarded 1st and 2nd place trophies. Tournaments utilize 6 players - one person for #1 singles, one person for #2 singles, two people for #1 doubles, and two people for #2 doubles. Most tournaments use players in 7th through 9th grade. 


Information for events are normally posted about two weeks in advance. 


Duals are matches between two schools. They are typically two to three hours in length in the afternoons. Duals can have a formal format where records are kept for seeding purposes in future events, or duals can have a more informal format (sometimes called a scrimmage) where the primary purpose is to give younger players match play experience. Duals normally utilize most of the players on the team regardless of age/grade. â€‹


With regard to attendance - consistency and dependability are essential. Line-ups are sent ahead of time to the tournament director for seeding purposes. 

If a player cannot make an event, the coaches should know about it well in advance. 

Parent Involvement

Parents/family members are encouraged to support and attend all events and expected to demonstrate and promote good sportsmanship at all times.

Encouraging athletes by clapping after points, saying short statements such as "good hustle, nice shot, let's go, etc." are excellent examples of proper tennis etiquette. Any interaction with opposing athletes or parents should be in done in a positive light. 


Parents/Family members may not coach in any manner or enter the playing area at any time. 

Complete information and expectations are outlined in the code of conduct for players and parents in the NOAH Athlete Handbook.  â€‹


It is customary for the entire team to remain until all teammates have finished play. When play is at two separate sites, it is customary to report to the other site so the team finishes together. Many times, pictures are taken at the conclusion of the event. Coach Hillock tries to collect photos throughout the season, so if parents take any good photos (still or action shots), please share. 

Henryetta Elite Qualifier Tournament

As of Monday, February 24th, both the boys and girls teams are now officially invited to this tournament, so the first tournament of the season is now the Henryetta Elite Qualifier. The girls play on Monday, March 3rd and the boys Tuesday, March 4th.


This is a 16-team tournament and will be held at two sites - Henryetta High School  and the City Park on Main Street (between 11th and 12th street). Last year #1 singles & doubles were at the High School and #2 singles and doubles were at the City Park. It is anticipated that this will be the case again this year, but be ready to report at either site. Players should expect to play four matches, with play starting at 8:30am and ending at approximately 5:00 pm.


This tournament is a qualifying tournament for the OTCA Elite State Team Tournament that is scheduled in May.  


Coach Hillock (Coach Seach for girls and one more coach for boys) will be there the entire time, be able to attend the coaches meeting, and help players throughout the event. This will not always be the case (a parent will have to do this for some tournaments), but this is good since it is the first tournament of the year.


Players should arrive no later than 8:00 AM (7:30 is recommended), go out on a court, stretch, and lightly hit all strokes, volleys, and serves. Do not be late! This is important. If you are late, you may not be able to get out on a court and warm-up before matches begins. For this tournament, all players should report to the HS courts first and warm up as a team. Players should have plenty of water for hydration, bring a substantial and nutritious lunch, and snacks to keep your energy level up. Players (and parents) should bring sunscreen to avoid sunburn.


Uniform (blue shirt and black shorts) is used for this event. Players should also bring/wear sweats for the morning when the weather is cooler.


In-between matches, players should stay off their feet to conserve energy for play.


There are a few bleachers to view matches for some courts, but it is highly recommended to bring folding chairs to insure seating for any court. Blankets, hats, sunglasses are also recommended. Families should watch the weather forecast to best prepare for the day. There are limited restroom facilities located near the tennis complex. 


PLAYERS ENTERED FOR THIS TOURNAMENT ARE (line-up still subject to change):

GIRLS - #1 Singles - Victoria Seach, #2 Singles - Hadley Hendrickson, #1 Doubles - Whitney Topolski, Julia Seach, #2 Doubles - Teagan McGill, Tovah Sanders

Players on call if a substitute is required - Naomi Bernasconi

BOYS - #1 Singles - Noah Marsh, #2 Singles - Hank Bigler, #1 Doubles - â€‹Liam Norman, Miller Yandell, #2 Doubles - Cristian Cuadra, Rome Roach.

Players on call if a substitute is required - Scout James and Asher Mayes

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Broken Arrow Elite Qualifier Tournament

The second scheduled tournament of the season is the Broken Arrow Elite Qualifier and is scheduled for Friday, March 7th. At this time, only the boys team is invited to this event. This event will be held at two sites - the Broken Arrow High School Tennis Complex and Forest Ridge Country Club. The address for the High School is 1901 E Albany Street, Broken Arrow, 74012 and the address for Forest Ridge is 7751 E Freeport Street, Broken Arrow, 74012. It is not known yet which players will be a which sites. That information will be shared at a later time. Bracket is an 16-team bracket. Players should expect to play four matches, with play starting at 8:30am and ending at approximately 5:00 pm.


This tournament is a qualifying tournament for the OTCA Elite State Team Tournament that is scheduled in May. â€‹


Coach Hillock (and one more Coach) will be there the entire time, be able to attend the coaches meeting, and help players throughout the event.


Players should arrive no later than 8:00 AM (7:30 is recommended), go out on a court, stretch, and lightly hit all strokes, volleys, and serves. Do not be late! This is important. If you are late, you may not be able to get out on a court and warm-up before matches begins. For this tournament, all players should report to the HS courts first and warm up as a team. Players should have plenty of water for hydration, bring a substantial and nutritious lunch, and snacks to keep your energy level up. Players (and parents) should bring sunscreen to avoid sunburn.


Uniform (blue shirt and black shorts for guys, black top and skirt for girls) is used for this event. Players should also bring/wear sweats for the morning when the weather is cooler.​


In-between matches, players should stay off their feet to conserve energy for play.


There are a few bleachers to view matches for some courts, but it is highly recommended to bring folding chairs to insure seating for any court. Blankets, hats, sunglasses are also recommended. Families should watch the weather forecast to best prepare for the day. There are limited restroom facilities located near the tennis complex. 



BOYS - #1 Singles - Noah Marsh, #2 Singles - Liam Norman, #1 Doubles - â€‹Hank Bigler, Miller Yandell, #2 Doubles - Cristian Cuadra, Rome Roach.

Players on call if a substitute is required - Scout James and Asher Mayes

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Bartlesville Invitational Tournament

The third scheduled tournament of the season is the Bartlesville Invitational and is scheduled for Friday, March 14th. This tournament hosts boys and girls on the same day. This event will be held at two sites - Hillcrest Country Club and Bartlesville High School. Last year the girls played at the Country Club and the boys played at the high school. Location will be confirmed that morning during the coaches meeting.


Bracket is an 8-team bracket. Players should expect to play three matches, with play starting at 9:00am and ending at approximately 5:00 pm.​


Coach Hillock (and one more Coach) will be there the entire time, be able to attend the coaches meeting, and help players throughout the event.


Players should arrive no later than 8:00 AM (7:45 is recommended), go out on a court, stretch, and lightly hit all strokes, volleys, and serves. Do not be late! This is important. If you are late, you may not be able to get out on a court and warm-up before matches begins. For this tournament, all players should report to the HS courts first and warm up as a team. Players should have plenty of water for hydration, bring a substantial and nutritious lunch, and snacks to keep your energy level up. Players (and parents) should bring sunscreen to avoid sunburn.


Uniform (blue shirt and black shorts for guys, black top and skirt for girls) is used for this event. Players should also bring/wear sweats for the morning when the weather is cooler.​


In-between matches, players should stay off their feet to conserve energy for play.


There are a few bleachers at the high school to view matches for some courts, but it is highly recommended to bring folding chairs to insure seating for any court. There are no bleachers at the country club. Blankets, hats, sunglasses are also recommended. Families should watch the weather forecast to best prepare for the day. There are limited restroom facilities located near the tennis complex at the high school. Restrooms are available at the country club.  



GIRLS - #1 Singles - Victoria Seach, #2 Singles - Hadley Hendrickson, #1 Doubles - Whitney Topolski, Julia Seach, #2 Doubles - Teagan McGill, Tovah Sanders


BOYS - #1 Singles - Noah Marsh, #2 Singles - Liam Norman, #1 Doubles - â€‹Rome Roach, Miller Yandell, #2 Doubles - Asher Mayes, Scout James

Players on call if a substitute is required - Cristian Cuadra

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Dual vs. Christian Lighthouse (Springfield, MO)

A special, first time event between home school tennis programs from different states has been in the works for over a year. 


This event is scheduled for Saturday, April 26th. Courts at the Joplin Athletic Complex have been reserved in advance for this event for the day. 

Plans are to include the entire JH roster (both boys and girls for this event). 


Families can travel early Saturday morning or might consider traveling on Friday night.


More details will be added later in the season, but make sure to mark this on your calendar now. 

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