General Information
General Shooting Team Info
We will have an informational meeting mid-October at either the Tulsa Gun Club or USSA. Exact date, time, and location will be published a few weeks prior.
We will begin practices in mid-November.
We will continue to have shotgun (Skeet) and action shooting (steel challenge) pistol/rifle.
The website will be updated in the near future with more details and information.
We also have a closed Facebook group (NOAH Shooting Team) that we communicate with. If you would like to join, please make a friend request to myself (Mark Terrill) or Darrell Simpson and let us know you are interested in shooting and would like to join the group.
Why Shooting Sports?
What are the benefits of shooting sports and why should a young person engage in shooting sports?
Shooting sports develop an ability to safely and properly handle firearms. Firearm safety is constantly promoted and integrated into practice and events.
Shooting sports teach young people to respect but not fear firearms. Firearms are a tool that has many benefits if handled properly. Firearms are part of the 2nd Amendment rights of American Citizens and useful hunting, self-defense, law enforcement and military professions.
Shooting sports teach responsibility. Firearms are fun, but they can also injure and kill if handles improperly (as can other tools, like cars). Handling a firearm properly teaches responsibility.
Shooting sports enhance mental focus. Both clay target and pistol shooting require mental focus and concentration to compete well.
Shooting sports incorporate courtesy and fair play during practice and competition events. Most shooting sports competitors show courtesy and encouragement to their team mates, coaches, and referees.
Shooting sports teach an appreciation for the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution and help young people understand and appreciate the wonderful privilege that the 2nd Amendment affords Americans.
Shooting sports are fun.
Shooting Team Objectives
Basic mission and purpose of the NOAH program, is to:
Provide an opportunity for students to gain experience, competence, and respect for firearms through the use of shotgun shooting in the game of skeet.
Develop life skills and character through shooting sports competition.
Develop competitive skeet and pistol shooting teams through regular training, practices, and competitions.
Help young people gain an appreciation for the privilege the 2nd Amendment provides Americans.
Shotgun Team Info
We usually start the season in early October after we get paperwork and fees done
We emphasize safety at all events
Practices October through June, generally on Saturday at Tulsa Gun Club
Coaching Staff (All will have background checks)
Mark Terrill: Head Coach and Athletic Director
Jason Axtell, Daniel Terrill (semi-weekly)
Need additional Adult Volunteers to help with:
Photos – take during practice and competitions; upload to FB and/or website
Monthly team event manager; normally after practice
Uniforms (shirt/hat)
Fundraising – corporate fundraiser or other
Competitions as follows:
Virtual Series possibly
Dec and Feb youth competition
March St Pats (individual competition)
April OYSSA Youth Competition
May Bartlesville (individual competition)
June State (Team Competition)
We have some ammo from grants. Will use this as long as it lasts, then bring own.
Equipment – firearm, ear protection, eye protection, vest or pouch, hat (recommended)
Talk to coaches about recommended firearms
If you have a firearm you want to use, please do
If you want to buy a firearm, recommended shotguns are over and under or semi-auto – pump action will work; NOT single action
Team has some shotguns to try out before buying
Depending on your budget:
Less expensive – Semi-auto – Weatherby SA-08 ($550-600); Over and Under – Yildiz SPZ (adult or youth models) -$430 to $600 at Academy; OR Stoeger Condor Competition ( a bit heavy)- $600 range
More expensive – Semi-Auto – Winchester 1100 competition – $1100: Over and Under – Browning Citorri – $2500 (cheaper used)
TGC – Join on your own – $32.50 membership plus Target Card ($15)
USAYESS $20 + NOAH Skeet Team Fee $20 + NOAH Board Fee $15 = $55 fees – Cash or check to NOAH – give to Coach Terrill
If you want to shoot registered targets, you will need to join Oklahoma Skeet Shooting Association (OSSA) $10 + National Skeet Shooting Association (NSSA) $10
Shooters pay for targets ($4.50 per game, 2 – 3 games per week)
Competitions will be self-funded
Communication – Facebook, Email, Team App (NOAH Shooting Sports)
Link to USAYESS: https://www.usayess.org/
NOTE: If a student wants to shoot shotgun and action shooting, we schedule to accommodate.
Pistol / Rifle Team Info
Pistol/Rifle Action Shooting (Scholastic Action Shooting Program – SASP)
Scholastic Action Shooting Program
Start season in October after paperwork and fees done
Practices during October to June, generally on Saturday at USSA
Coaching Staff (All will have background checks)
Darrell Simpson as Head Coach/Pistol
Ben McBroom as Rifle Coach/Asst Pistol Coach
Jeremy Wagner, Travis Little Asst Coaches
Possibly David Johnson as Asst Coach in both
Competitions as follows:
Virtual Series possibly
Monthly competitions (Individual competitions)
Ft Smith Old Fort
Oil Capital
Missouri or Kansas State Shoot (Team competition)
Possibly host a shoot at USSA
July Nationals (Team Competition) – recommended but optional
We have some ammo from grants. Will use as long as it lasts, then bring own.
Equipment – firearm, ear protection, eye protection, hat (recommended)
Talk to coaches about recommended firearms
If you have a firearm you want to use, please do
Recommended pistols are: Smith and Wesson SW22 Victory, Browning Buckmark, or Ruger 22/45
Recommended rifles semi-auto, magazine fed (not tube fed): Ruger 10/22, Marlin 795
USSA $80 (or membership – see below)
SASP $20 + NOAH Pistol Team Fee $20 + NOAH Board Fee $15 = $55 (only pay $15 NOAH Board fee once if shooting Shotgun and Action) – Cash or check to NOAH – give to Coach Simpson
Competitions will be self-funded
Communication – Facebook, Email, Team App (NOAH Shooting Sports)
Link to Scholastic Action Shooting Program: https://sssfonline.org/scholastic-pistol-program-spp/
USSA Membership Options
Shoot only with NOAH during weekly practices -not a membership, just use fee – $80
This is not a membership, but a special arrangement with NOAH
Buddy Membership – One shooter for the entire year whenever USSA open – $188
For minors, parents sign up for the membership, but only student shoots
Family Membership – entire family (2 adults, 2 children) for entire year whenever USSA is open – $377/year
Details of memberships are at this link: http://usshootingacademy.mobi/about/memberships/
NOTE: If a student wants to shoot shotgun and action shooting, we schedule to accommodate.