NOAH Board Meetings
Quarterly Board meeting date: January 10, 2025, 6:30pm
Tiger Driving School
Address: 866 S Aspen Ave, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Current Agenda:
Board working meeting discussion
Technical Updates
Treasury updates
Future Expo Presentation - Roxanne Byrams
Board of Directors Application Interviews
Softball End of Season Report - Shane Hatfield
Volleyball End of Season Report - Jeremy Whiles
All NOAH members are welcome to come to any board meeting and will have time to be recognized for their prior submitted agenda form.
To submit a new agenda item for future Board Meeting Review, Click here for the Agenda Form
As we embark on an already amazing program and seek God to help us become an even greater origination to share Jesus Christ with all those in need. Lord, Guide our steps. Amen!

Doug Green - President (term expires 2026)
Charlee Reeves - Secretary/Baseball/Softball (term expires 2027)
Tiana Jones - Treasurer (term expires 2026)
Jim Smith - NAYS/Shooting Liaison/Volleyball Liaison (term expires 2025)
Bryan Jarrett - Insurance Coordinator /Soccer Liaison (term expires 2025)
Board Shared - Football Liaison/Communication
Michael Byrams - Tennis Liaison (term expires 2025)
Michael Stansell - Cheer/Track Liaison (term expires 2026)
Russel McCarty - Technical Coordinator/Basketball Liaison (term expires 2027)
Matt Longaberger - Treasury / Technical backup